Post-traumatic stress disorder


PTSDhas a long history and has been referred to by a number of different names in the past, including ‘shell shock’ and ‘battle fatigue’. It is commonly seen in first-response emergency workers, soldiers returning from war, refugees and people who have been physically or sexually abused.

PTSDdisrupts the lives of affected people and their families, but there are treatments available that can relieve the symptoms and help those affected to feel like themselves again.




  1. 持续重新体验活动通过不必要的重复思想,闪回(重新播放事件),生动的梦想和/或噩梦。记住事件时,可能会出现身体症状,例如出汗,恐慌和心pal。
  2. 避免- 试图避免考虑或记住事件并避免触发事件记忆的事情(例如场所,人,声音或活动)。
  3. Feeling wound up or on-guard。您可能很容易感到沮丧,震惊或激怒,并且总是在寻找危险。许多患有PTSD的人会感到非常烦躁,并且很难集中或睡觉。有些人变得鲁ck或以自我毁灭的方式行事。
  4. Negative thoughts and feelings。这些可以包括情绪上的“麻木”或“平坦”。您可能对自己,他人和世界有负面的想法,包括内gui或责备。您可能还会感到与家人和朋友隔开,退出社交活动,并对以前的活动失去兴趣。


Who gets PTSD?

PTSDhappens to people who have experienced very unpleasant, traumatic events in their lives. These events usually involve witnessing or being personally at risk of death, near death, or serious injury. Being involved in the horrors of war is one of the best known triggers for PTSD, but a wide variety of other situations can cause it.




  • are understress;
  • 过去经历过创伤事件;
  • 患有先前存在的精神疾病(过去曾患有精神疾病);和
  • 缺乏家人和朋友的支持。


People with PTSD are at increased risk of alcohol and other substance abuse. PTSD commonly leads to关系问题。Depression and anxiety are also more common among people with PTSD.


Traumatic events cause significant distress when you experience them – that’s to be expected. But if you continue to feel very distressed for weeks following a traumatic event, and you have symptoms that stop you from doing your usual activities (or wanting to do them) you should see your doctor.

Many cases of PTSD go undetected for years because people are often reluctant to talk about their unpleasant experiences and distress. Talk to your doctor if you think you could have PTSD – the sooner you get treatment the sooner you’ll feel better.

Where to get help

最好的起点通常是您的本地医生 - 您的全科医生 - 或当地社区心理健康中心的心理健康专业人员。18luck.net您的医生将能够确定您是否可能患有PTSD,与您讨论治疗选择并提供支持和理解。他们可能会把你推荐给psychologist或者精神科医生用于治疗。

In Australia, if you need immediate help, you can call生命线13 11 14。每周7天每天24小时可用辅导员,可以帮助您并推荐您进一步治疗。


Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, how long you have had them and any events that may have triggered them. While you may be reluctant (or even scared) to talk about your feelings, getting diagnosed is the first step to recovery.

如果您的症状至少持续了一个月,您的医生可以诊断PTSD。如果您的症状少于一个月,则可能患有另一种类型的创伤后心理健康障碍18luck.netacute stress disorder (ASD)

People with ASD often describe ‘being in a daze’ and their symptoms cause significant distress and interfere with their daily lives. Having ASD increases your risk of developing PTSD. Treatment for ASD involves psychological therapy as for PTSD (see below). Medicines are generally not recommended.


There are several treatments available in Australia for PTSD. Even if you have had symptoms for a long time, by finally getting treatment you can help yourself to get better. Psychological treatment (counselling) is effective and can help people make a full recovery. Sometimes medicines are also recommended.

People with complications such as depression or substance abuse (drinking too much alcohol or taking illicit drugs) may also need additional treatments for these problems.


Trauma-focussed psychological treatments are the most effective treatments for PTSD and are the first choice treatment in most cases. These therapies involve gradually confronting memories of the traumatic experience in a safe environment and challenging the way you think about and remember the event. You are shown ways to manage your anxiety while developing different ways of thinking about the event, until these memories stop causing you distress.

The main psychological therapies recommended for PTSD include the following.

  • Trauma-focussed cognitive behaviour therapy (TF-CBT):一种疗法,鼓励您考虑创伤事件并对记忆产生不同的反应。随着时间的流逝,您应该能够管理症状,并停止避免您担心会触发症状的情况。
  • Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR): a type of therapy that’s thought to help you process your memories of the traumatic event. It combines psychological therapy similar to TF-CBT with repetitive eye movements – during therapy, you are asked to move your eyes back and forth (for example, by following the therapists finger with your eyes).

可能有益的其他类型的疗法包括anger management,relaxation therapy小组治疗。学习如何应对和管理愤怒和压力,尤其是在进行TF-CBT时,可以帮助您面对创伤记忆的需求。小组疗法对某些人有帮助,尤其是那些觉得自己会从与了解自己正在经历的事情的其他人交谈中受益的人。

Internet-based therapies are available, and may be a good option for people with PTSD living in remote areas or those with limited access to a psychologist. Talk to your doctor about this type of treatment.



PTSD患者的第一选择是selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)- 一种抗抑郁药。SSRI可以帮助缓解与您所经历的创伤相关的令人困扰的感觉。








诸如BeyondBlue和Sane Australia之类的国家组织举办在线论坛,在那里患有精神健康问题及其家人的人可以交流,分享经验和互相支持。


1. Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health.澳大利亚治疗急性应激障碍和创伤后应激障碍指南。Guidelines Summary, 2013. (accessed Mar 2018).
2. Cooper J,Metcalf O,Phelps A.PTSD-全科医生的更新。澳大利亚家庭医师2014; 43(11):754-7。年3月访问)。
3.澳大利亚理智。Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)(2018年3月2日更新)。年3月访问)。
4. Posttraumatic mental health disorders (published July 2013). In:ETG完成。墨尔本:治疗指南有限公司;2017年11月年3月访问)。



